Quantum Energy does not need scaffolding, but scaffolding does need Quantum Energy, and the planet earth is the perfect example of what can happen when they come together.
Quantum Energy creates a lattice, or fly tape, on which mass collects.
Our present relationship with energy and mass is both fascinating and frightful. We often ask ourselves if we should go around a mountain, or make a tunnel through it, but that question was never meant to be a part of our vocabulary. In the future, that question will become irrelevant, because we will not think of mass as an obstacle. Energy will still be an issue, but mass will not, because mountains are "glass" to Quantum Energy.
Our relationship with energy will continue to evolve, allowing us to do some extraordinary things, but it will not be new, because we are not in the process of discovering something new, but rather are in the process of RE-discovering something ancient ... we are on a journey of RE-discovering our relationship with God, and the irony is that science is at the forefront of RE-discovering God.
This may sound futuristic, but it is actually very old. The bible gives many clues and examples of these concepts. The bible is a gold mine of Quantum Information. Moses, Elijah, and Paul, to name a few, experienced multiple entangled realities, in which they transcended time and space, and Jesus championed His Father God, by revealing the ability to pass through material, walk on the sea, heal the sick and raise the dead.
Jesus is the ultimate Quantum Engineer, and to Him, mass is not a limiting factor.
The first recorded miracle of Jesus is one in which he turned water into wine. Jesus not only “shuffled” the mass of the liquid from one expression to another, but He also designed the mass of the clay pot so that it would not explode under the tremendous transfer of energy. People who doubt the bible story say that Jesus could not have done such a difficult thing, but they do not understand the beauty of Quantum Energy. Not only was this a simple thing for Jesus, but He did not have to limit Himself to the menu of what we call the "Periodic Table", because where Jesus comes from, there is an infinite set of such tables. He was asked to make wine and so He did ... but He could have made anything that the imagination considers.
This is NOT the stuff of abracadabra, Hogwarts wands, alchemy, or snake oil salesmen. This is the stuff of the Glory of God. Unfortunately for us, in the past we have shelved our pursuit of God away, but fortunately, we are returning full circle to our alma-matter, the Garden of Eden. Down through the years we RE-discovered things like electricity and how to use it, but not because it was a new to the earth, but because uncovering the things of God is who we are, and what we were made for.
The following idea is a bit freaky so to speak … but here it is … in our "Back to the Future" moments, we will not travel to a "place", but will simply divert our “attention” to it. With respect to what we now call travel, we will be able to “open our eyes” to where we want to be, and we will simply “be” there, unless of course, we purposely “take a journey” just for the fun of it. This is NOT virtual reality. How is this possible? Take a deep breath … the answer is “we are already there”. We are already everywhere within the Neural Net that we have access to, and “going” somewhere is not about the act of “going”, it is about the act of “being”. We are not just in two places at once, we are in “all” (mostly all) places at once. There will be no “going” (unless we want to), and there will be no upload or lag, because all the neural feeds are live, which is the ultimate form of entanglement.
Jesus is the ultimate Quantum Engineer, and to God, Quantum Energy and Quantum Mass ... is simply an expression of God.
I once read a story about a group of monks who lined themselves up, and connected themselves together using graphite rods. The monk at the head of the line, was tasked with putting his hand into a large Leyden Jar, which stored a lot of static electricity. It was said that the entire line of monks leapt off the ground. Those monks knew that there was something extraordinary in that jar and that it had potential. They couldn’t see it, but they knew it was there. They just weren’t sure how to make the safest or most efficient use of it. We are in a similar place today, when it comes to Quantum Energy. We “know that we know”, that it is there, and we just have to be cautious, respectful, and clever about how we get at it, and how we use it in the future.
God has the answers,
And God has the keys,
To reveal great secrets,
Such as these.
Sheila Willar - August 15, 2015 (edit April 26, 2021)
2 Chronicles 9:11 (NKJV)
… and there were none such as these seen before in the land of Judah.
Our marrow scintillates in the presence of the Holy Spirit
- SW
Our blood is made of stardust and contains the Names of God.
- SW
His head and hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire; And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters.
- Revelation 1:14,15 (KJV)